Shoe Dropping

Many of us know the phrase, “things were going just fine and then the other shoe dropped.” But what if there are actually no shoes that drop at all? What if whatever happens along the way is life unfolding in all its messiness as all one piece. What if when upheaval happens in the middle of our routine, it isn’t something outside of our life, but just life, happening: life doing what it does?

Life from the shoe dropping view…

…however subtle, means anxiety. Spending your life fending off the bad and only wanting the good, is exhausting. Do you have preferences? Of course!

That much used phrase, “it is what it is” invites equanimity. Equanimity is a humbled acceptance, not to be confused with resignation. How do you tell the difference? When you listen to your body with the ear of your heart you will suss out the difference; these distinctions emerge with quiet attention.

Shocking and traumatic events do happen. How we meet life in all its twists and turns determines how we grow. Transformation is on offer the moment a situation arrives in our life that will not bend to our will.

Upheaval is a catalyst for growing and those of us who can learn to work within our constraints, must do so not only for our own well being, but on behalf of those who cannot or will not. The work of our personal healing, offers healing to the world, always.

There’s a trust that is required which holds us while we gradually learn to shift from toggling back and forth between “good and bad” experiences, to meeting life as it is. Trust in life is a gift of being willing and able to engage with what’s present to the best of our ability. Ask yourself what is your relationship to trusting life? That question will point you toward your next healing steps, no dropping shoes required.