Softening the Belly Meditation

As the seasons change to either spring or autumn depending upon where you are in the world, it’s time to pause. It’s also a good time to evaluate as to whether you’ve gone into empathetic distress.

There’s plenty to be concerned about in our world. And it’s a good time to rest. Pull back, take a breath. If that suggestion seems out of touch then I’d ask you how does it serve for you or me to be in ongoing empathetic distress? Brain science and neuroscience have proven that focused breathing and consistent rest slows down our trauma and trigger responses.

Take rests as much as you can: even between breaths there’s a rest. The turmoil we are in will last for some time to come so it’s wise to know ourselves and pace ourselves.

The message from the famous Oracle at Delphi is “know thyself” and “nothing in excess”. This is timeless guidance for our world today.

Listen in for 10 minutes.