It’s a No Until It’s a Yes

Our “yes or no” lives as body sensation as does much of our wisdom. We all can agonize over trying to make certain decisions at times but in the end “The Body Keeps the Score”, as Bessel van der Kolk’s book suggests.

I know for myself when body sensation gives me the answer, I’d best be listening in and act accordingly.

Too often we have abdicated our wisdom to people, places, things outside of ourself. Those ideas knit themselves into our fabric but they are not us.

When we begin or rediscover how to listen deeply to ourselves, we sort out what is the “not ours” from the “ours”. “Shoulds” often populate our inner landscape too, as can the quandary of “don’t know”, which is still not a “yes”. “Don’t know” may indicate a need for more time or it may be an indicator of something else. In any case, it’s ok not to know. Really.

Most of life is not an emergency and sorting out what is an emergency from giving space to what wants to emerge can help quiet, inform, and offer direction. Take the time you need. Our world needs more thoughtful people.