Touching with Love

“To heal is to touch with love that which we previously touched with fear.”
~Stephen Levine

So much of my work comes down to that: Touching with love, with care, with respect, that which we have previously touched with fear. Approaching our difficulties in this way allows us to take a deep breath and relax, to appreciate our humanity. We all have barriers, challenges both in mind and body and it’s how we meet those barriers that determines our well being. It’s not so much the content of what’s happened to us but how we carry the history, how we tell the story, and what happens when we discover to our relief and delight, that we can make new choices.

This is the core practice of self compassion. Knowing how to be with ourselves, learning how to be with our difficulties and noticing what we learn about ourselves in the process is at the heart of all sincere healing journeys.

That discovery process is what offers our lives meaning.

“Open yourself to discomfort. Meet it with mercy, not fear. Recognize that when our pain calls most for our embrace, we are often least present. Soften, enter, and explore and continue softening to make room for your life.” ~Stephen Levine