Entries by Meg

Your Mind is Here to Change/Part 1

You can listen to an audio version of this blog post here Awareness Heals. That’s a complete sentence: awareness heals. How does that happen? It happens when we understand that the human nervous system is an open system, an interface between what we know as “our self” and the world around us. Because we are […]

Fierce Compassion

“Some people mistake being loving for being a sap. Quite the contrary, the most loving people are often the most fierce and the most acutely armed for battle… for they care about preserving & protecting those goodly endeavors that cannot be allowed to perish from this earth…” “The Dangerous Old Woman” by CP Estes When […]


At the center of our being, is wholeness. This truth is present across all wisdom traditions. Whatever name you choose to call it, our True Nature, Awakened Heart, Self, Essential Self, etc. This wholeness dwells within us. It is present and ever-shining. That “Self” cannot be harmed, stained, erased, injured, or taken away. Even in […]


Practices that support our inner life cultivate a refuge we can rely upon day in and day out. Without consistent training in what feeds our inner life we have nothing to rely on especially in times of crisis. The Greek poet Archilochos said “We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to […]

Habit or Choice?

A Curious Question: Is it a habit or a choice? Choice is when we can discern between a preference and a compulsion. Somatic movement pioneer, engineer and scientist Moshe Feldenkrais made some keen observations about human behavior based on how we organize our bodymind for movement. And to be clear, how we organize for movement […]

Three Key Qualities

Compassion and empathy: there’s confusion about these two qualities and with good reason, they are often used interchangeably. Given the amount of challenges and fatigue we face in our world today, it’s helpful to make distinctions between them. The third quality I’ll speak to here is self compassion. Empathy Empathy is a state of being […]


“Patience allows us to remain attentive and consider life beyond our personal moment in history. Patience is fierce focus informed by openness, intention, and “fallen light” that draws the eye of our heart toward clear seeing and skillful actions.“ We tend to confuse patience with doing nothing. There’s nothing passive about patience: it offers us […]


One early May morning while on solitary retreat this year, I woke up with the word “Faithwalk”. It was loud, clear and provocative: “FAITHWALK”! I laid in bed for a bit to take it in: it was clearly a command and both a noun and a verb. “Faith” is a word often used in reference […]

The Terrain of Somatics

Just as the wetlands lie between land and sea, so too does our self perception and body meet in the fluidity of the imagination. The territory of “somatics” is a rich expression of the continuum between body and mind or body and perception. From this perspective, the body is the ground of our experience and […]

Alchemy of the Heart/Tonglen

There’s a practice from 11th century Tibet called “tonglen”. It translates as “sending & receiving. It is a body centered heart practice that offers us emotional self regulation: it can relieve helplessness, loneliness, self pity, and self absorption. It deepens connection to ourselves and all other beings. It is a type of shadow work and […]