Navigating Uncertainty

“If you are open to fine distinctions, you can observe that something in you knows the way home, slow as it may be, it returns you to the center of itself.”

An audio version of this blog post can be found here.

This quote above from Ruthy Alon, a late and great Feldenkrais somatic movement teacher, is a favorite of mine. It points to the radical trust required to make our inner journeys and not just the journey-ing itself but also trust that each step, each movement forward or back is part of the larger mosaic of our life. We are by nature meaning making creatures. We are also creatures that when faced with uncertainty regress into what’s known. Our growth is a few steps backwards and a few steps forward.

“The willingness to consider possibility requires a tolerance of uncertainty.”

We are beings who crave certainty tossed into a universe that offers none. The quote above from Rachel Naomi Remen points to our working edge: it invites curiosity about how to open to those “fine distinctions”. It’s key to living authentically. A life that Ruthy Alon would say includes having a “better tuned instrument for playing your song of life.”

“Recover & Restore” a 3 part course on Insight Timer!

Brand new just out this week. It’s my wish to introduce you to new ways of sensing, feeling, thinking, moving, and acting that expand what’s possible for you in body, mind, brain, and emotional heart: embodied guidance for finding your way forward in a way that is kind, compassionate, and effective.